The Sante Fe Style You Need for 2017

Southwest fashion

Southwest fashionWith a past all its own and a culture that springs from the loftiest intentions to the influence of Native American art and culture, the Santa Fe area is steeped in rich history and culture.

This unique eclectic city has developed into a hotspot for fashion designers finding inspiration in the flair of the Southwest. This cultural mix of Native American, Spanish, and American tastes is one of the most intricately beautiful styles that people have ever seen.

The fashion industry has had their eye on this spot for quite some time and it takes a little knowledge to understand why that might be.

Many things in fashion are fabricated as a result of artist creativity. One moment the idea is one of the most popular styles of the year and the next it’s kaput.

Well, how do you fix something that seems inevitable of all styles? The answer is in styles that have been around for over a hundred years. The combination of cultures and designs I’ve mentioned is like a naturally formed style that artists have been incorporating in their work over the past few years.

You’ve probably seen this around by other names. People wearing lace, Southern-style hats, turquoise jewelry, earth-tones, Native American patterns, and all of them have been modeled to fit the cuts of the modern age.

All of these ideas stem from this wonderful culmination of art and culture, Sante Fe Chic. The style you need for your next outfit and your wardrobe for 2017. As I’ve mentioned, top designers are featuring their work in California-based shows and leaving the East coast behind in the dust.

I recommend to all my readers that you start looking into these Southwest styles for your 2017 wardrobes. Like I said, this style goes by many names. I posted a guide to the Southwest style last year and many of the same tenants still apply.

If you’re looking to shake up the New Year, check out my previous blog posts, “Fashion for 2017” and “Cowgirl Chic.”

These posts will help get you more acquainted with the Southwest style that is shaking up the fashion industry already in 2017. Thanks for reading and to my longtime fans, thanks for continuing with me on this journey!

The Sante Fe Style You Need for 2017

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